Urban Islands

[Image: For a few heady weeks I actually thought I was going to be teaching at this thing… but no more. Alas. Still, though, how can you resist applying for a two-week architectural design studio in Sydney, Australia, themed around the spatial rehabilitation of a semi-derelict, post-industrial island, complete with “early convict settlement structures” and heavily incised sandstone foundations? More information, including how to apply, available here; larger, though low-res, version of the flyer available here. Have fun!].

3 thoughts on “Urban Islands”

  1. Nick, that’s very exciting news – I look forward to meeting you at last.

    This is not at all definite, but Marcus Trimble, Dan Hill, and I have been discussing the possibility of a Postopolis! Sydney immediately following Urban Islands, and it would be fantastic to get you to present your work there, if that would interest you. We can discuss over email – first, though, we actually have to confirm a venue and such like, so it’s not guaranteed to happen. But, either way, I’m looking forward to seeing you there.

    And, Ms Unreliable, too bad about last year, but it would be great to meet you, as well, if you are around for any of the events. Dan, Marcus, and I are doing that lecture/event/thing on the 14th, for instance, if you can stop by.

    Really excited about this in general, actually. I can’t wait to spend more time in Sydney than merely sitting in the airport.

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