There’s an interesting competition afoot to design a house for an ecologist, specifically “a live/work dwelling for an ecologist in residence at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS),” in Shephedstown, West Virginia, on a site near the Potomac River measuring 350′ x 250′.
“The ecologist in residence, a fictitious position, will be an annual fellow who will receive a stipend and expenses to live and conduct research on site and in the field.” Such research will include “working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” Some ideas? I think we should try learning from Dubai, and build the house underwater: the ecologist can then go to sleep watching fish swim by. Or the house should be partially floating, with reinforced glass foundations through which terrestrial and aquatic events can be observed. And it needs a roof garden.
And maybe it could do this:
[Image: Holl House by Andrew Maynard].
A lot more information, including maps and images, can be downloaded from the AIA competition homepage. Registration deadline is 1 March 2006, however – so be quick.
geoff, when i first saw the map image, i said “cool! an underground house!”, totally misreading the map on my quick glance. anyway, i guess you were thinking a similar thing. i vote for that.
Personally, I like the fact that the ecologist is referred to as “an annual fellow”… He’s a very annual fellow…
its a good thing architects really arent very good at math because, although interesting in content, this competition is an embarrasment with the AIA responsible for the following equation:
“A minimum of two and maximum of four winners will be selected. The winners will each receive $1,000.”
“Registration fees per entry:
AIA members: U.S. $100
Non-AIA members: U.S. $150″
You should win the competition then sue them. I’d cover the court case on BLDGBLOG. John Grisham meets BLDGBLOG.
‘Are we clear?’ Jack Nicholson says ominously, staring at you from the witness stand.
You glance down at your now discarded AIA Membership card; look back at him: ‘Crystal.’
Then you win $500,000 and a build a house for a river ecologist…